2018.06.09 Life, the Universe, and Everything

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Simon has been reading my old copy of The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy. His laughter every night echoes my own from 3 decades ago.

One of the legacies of my many readings and watchings of Douglas Adam's works is a tendency to reflect on a wider perspective. It can be humorous, as originally intended, but it can also be cathartic. This last time, it feels actually pretty humbling.

Life is good. Simon and Violet are happy, healthy, delightfully alive little people that I adore; being their dad is pretty great. Marriage with S continues to be a gift and a joy, and even though we have our complications the shared adulty adultness of our loving friendship and partnership feels solid and real. My job is rewarding and fun, despite some annoying stubbed toes on my ambitions. I keep playing AIF with Dave, and staying in touch with my creative side thereby. Today I went for a short bike ride through a poorly maintained trail that was slick with rain mixed with dust on top of slippery roots and mud - it was sketchy as hell, and the grind back up was exhausting, but I feel great. Not just "great for a 45.75-year-old", but legitimately great.

I'm not sure how or why I managed to get to have such a good life, but I sure an thankful for it.