2009.07.19 Kicked Off The Bed

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Well, sort of.

Sleep has become the most valuable commodity in the house, and the wife is the one most in need of it. Unfortunately, she's also the one that every other being in the house wants to be near while she sleeps. Me, the baby, and the cat. Sadly, there's just not quite enough room for all of us on the bed.

So I'm off to the other bedroom.

I clutch to myself the knowledge that I'm the one sent away from Her Wonderfulness simply because I'm the only one that can productively be reasoned with and convinced intellectually. Instead of interpreting it as a sign of my ranking in the household pecking order.

Or, rather, one of the various possible household pecking orders. It could mean that I'm the least important (to have in bed). Or that I'm the least cute. Or that I'm the least loved.

It doesn't help my rationalization knowing that the space freed up on the bed by my departure is also the smallest.
