2017.05.20 Trumping Thought 4

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The reality of the Trump presidency has settled in, and somehow he's even less competent than anyone ever thought. He's stupider than anyone thought possible. The world is demonstrably worse now.

With the accumulating pile of fucking stupid blunders, there exists the makings of a mechanism to fix things. Desperate people see the makings of impeachment, and I can't say they're wrong. At the moment, though, there is another problem that probably needs addressing as much as president fuckstard. That something is the engine of failure that lurched the horrific cheeto into the White House: the Repugnican Party. While they control Congress and the Senate, impeachment really isn't likely to succeed. And, if you look calmly past the fake hair and faker tan, there is a whole row of fucking horrible people to step into the presidency if Trump gets shitcanned. It's not a good solution - not really.

Instead, it may be more effective to make sure the Repugnicans are as securely entwined to Trump as possible, so that his failures and horrors can be leveled to count properly against them as well. Grinding Trump's shortcomings into the weak edges of Congress and the Senate for the 2018 mid-term election, and toying with him all the way to the 2020 election.

And, in my heart of hearts, I'm not sure I'd prefer for Trump to resign in despondent failure, or for him to lose in the most lopsided election of all time. But, if we're being honest, I simply don't trust the American electorate enough for the second one. Because they're clearly too fucking stupid.