2016.10.02 Trumping Thought

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The hypothesis that I've shared with people is that Trump isn't a candidate representing conservative ideology so much as an avatar for people's dissatisfaction and frustration. And in the same way that you can't reason with depression or a tantrum, logic is not going to have much of any effect on Trump supporters. Which is hard to reconcile for functional adults.

If there's some way to help the very real anger and angst be heard, perhaps that would let a significant chunk of the demographic let go and move on with facing reality. Because if you don't face reality, you just end up tending to make things worse for yourself.

That's America right now, contemplating getting drunk - and America is an angry, promiscuous drunk - instead of buckling the fuck down and working on shit. Most of America seems to be leaning towards being responsible adults, but not by a big margin. The whole depressed drunken tantrum option is clearly still on the table.


Because a lot of people are small and shitty. There are some who are holding their nose and voting for Trump, because "conservative". That's small and shitty because he doesn't even really understand what the POTUS does, much less do so in a way nuanced with any particular philosophy. There are some unhappy with Hillary. That's small and shitty because grow the fuck up - every complaint about her has been exhaustively investigated and shown to be essentially nothing. Some people like how Trump isn't "politically correct". Fuck you, because that just means you're a racist, sexist asshole.

Clearly, I'm not the person who should be responsible for helping Trump supporters feel heard.