2016.07.03 Simon 7

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Celebrations for Simon's glorious arrival into Seven-year-old-ness was actually spread out over two distinct phases. Phase ONE was with friends, in the park, with Mr. Lizard.

What's a great way to entertain 30 kg children? A 50 kg constrictor, obviously. My personal favourite was the corpulent rat-eating "pyxie" frog, but there's no denying the star power of the snake draped across all the kids. The tales of the destructive tortoise was especially entertaining, as was the tree frog with a proclivity for jump-clinging to kids faces.

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Phase TWO was with family, which started off with mom turning the living room into a magical array of joy. Then, new gnar-shredding 20" wheels and wicked-awesome full-face helmet, Simon went mountain biking with Uncle Jesse.

So much happy.

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