2015.11.15 Must Ride

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File:Snow ride 20151105.jpg

"Chance of snow flurries" the weather report said. OK, it said that a couple days ago when we planned the ride. When I was getting ready, it just said "snow", but the snow level was supposed to be mostly above our nominal highest point in the ride. Meaning that we weren't really expecting much accumulation.

We were wrong.

Totally worth it. It was an interesting ride to remember, requiring equal parts care and perseverance. Then as we descended down out of the snow, we were quickly covered in thick mud which has a special hilarity to it, like a badge of honour for making through it. Or a mark of insanity, which is fun too.

PLUS! As a bonus, we spotted the Tyrannosaurus as we drove through Sandy. The FTF sticker has been replaced with a HOONIGAN sticker, which is suitably awesome.