2009.08.12 On The Rocks

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I'm still a bit new at this whole "family man" thing, and am finding myself oddly engaged with this giddy tickling sensation inside me - I think it's something like happy contentment. Except, inconcievably, without having to be driving an exotic sports car or riding a motorcycle or playing AIF. The process of settling into the NesT involved hanging a few wedding photos, and realizing just how well they suit the house. Or perhaps how they reveal how well the house suits us.

Caught in a sort of hypnotic fascination, I was tackled by my muse and veritably forced to scribble up some drawings based on one of the hanging photos.



It sure felt good. Working the drawing stylus over the shapes scratched the itch of nostalgia, and this growing sense of how life is speeding up.

The part of my brain that can still do rudimentary math is compelled to remind me that this same perception can also mean that I'm slowing down, relatively.