2009.06.13 Probably a Bad Idea: Difference between revisions

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File:Muppet show kermit fozzie.jpg

As background, first you have to understand the group that I work in. We're odd. Odd in the sense that we have brand-specific design responsibility across a wide variety of truck components, instead of the Daimler standard of having component-specific responsibility across a wide variety of trucks. And also odd in that none of us are really what you would characterize as typical engineers - an eclectic band of high-functioning misfits.

Let's just say that there's probably a reason why they tucked us in the corner, but also made sure we had nice window seats.

Additionally, it should be known that our group has a rich and diverse heritage of "team building". OK, mostly it involves eating out a lot, but there has also been karting, movies, and exploding lawn mowers.

And, lastly, in order to marinade your brain in a way that will best appreciate the Bad Idea, you need to know that my boss has decided that the best explanation of the mannerisms of one of our members is that he must have "Muppet vision". Meaning that the guy sees everyone one around him as a Muppet version of the person most people see. We've also postulated that these muppets are invariably armed with knives in his mind's eye and would never be permitted anywhere near Sesame Street, but that's a digression.

OK, so here's the Bad Idea that we keep finding ourselves drawn towards:
We build or purchase some Muppet likenesses of ourselves, and then set ourselves up in one of the large meeting rooms with a table. We curtain off the side of the table facing the door, and, leaving the door open, proceed to loudly have a Muppet-enacted meeting in view of passers-by.

Now: imagine us all giggling over the idea. Not because it's really all that funny, in-and-of itself. But rather, the hysterical giggling of freaks just odd enough to try it. And that self-knowledge is exponentially funny. Especially when we start conjecturing about making additional Muppets representing our various superiors that we could produce for humourous effect, and to ensure that we all get escourted from the premises by security.