2008.01.06 Operation Interrogation

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Funny story:

My wife bought the classic Hasbro game "Operation" for one of her nephew's birthday last year. Its purchase was the result of a considered trip through the halls of a Toys-R-Us (or something equally extensive), after which my wife returned home and stared in disbelief at her purchase. I think the exact quote was,

"What in the HELL was I thinking?!"

As it happens, just before this purchase for the nephew(s), their father - my wife's brother - had a quite horrible accident. Somehow he managed to impale himself on the handlebar of his bicycle (after almost completing, I'm told, a truly spectacular jump) - right in front of his son. Much time in the hospital and grueling medical dramas ensued. This all turned out fine, but, at the time, sending a little kid a game of "Operation" right after his father's brush with death and subsequent suffering... well, it wasn't quite appropriate.

Funny though it obviously was.

So "Operation" lingered about the RoosT for most of a year, until after the surgery-related horrors had likely been diminished and another excuse to send a gift came along.

Yesterday, we received a post card. The aforementioned nephew thanked us for the game, in a charming and clumsy script. An addendum by their mother said that,

"I think that [younger nephew] could be a doctor... [older nephew] may have a future in CIA interrogations."
